54/54 [+2] cards | 89x58mm | "The illustrations for these playing cards are all derived from exhibits in the collections of the British Museum" | BY.80.18INV 2391HERALDIC TIMES/ASS - Leinfeldenc1992Medieval Heraldry
INV 1077-78WADDINGTON?ShakespeareFrederick Colin Tilney
2x54/54 [+2] cards | 88x63mm | original box "Shakespeare"INV 0256DONDORF?Shakespeare
53/53 [+1] cards | 92x60mm | gilt corners | original box "Shakespeare-Spielkarte #192"INV 0755PIATNIKc1967ShakespeareDonald Burton
55/55 cards | 89x58mm | gilt corners
INV 1069GOODALL1893FOURNIER1993Shakespeare
Warning: the images above have been corrected in their ratio! | original ratio (Fournier reproduction): 1 | 2
55/55 cards | 88x57mm | original box | TC
All cards illustrated
INV 1079HERITAGE/CARTA MUNDI1992Kings & Queens of England
55/55 [+5] cards | 87x56mm | original box "The Famous Kings & Queens of England Playing Cards" | BYINV 1080HERITAGE/CARTA MUNDI1992Kings & Queens of Scotland
58/58 [+1] cards | 87x56mm | original box "The Famous Kings & Queens of Scotland Playing Cards" | BY